How to Improve your Immunity

Here 8 Natural ways to increase your Immune system

Note: Besides the physical distancing, also known as social distancing, and maintaining good hygiene, no supplement, diet or lifestyle change will prevent you from this pandemic of COVID-19.

Apart from physical distancing, also known as social distancing, and good hygiene, no supplement, diet or lifestyle change will protect you from COVID-19 infection. 

You may be asking how to help your body battle illness if you want to improve your immune health. 

Even though improving your immunity is easier said than done, making a few dietary and lifestyle improvements will help you improve yours's body natural defenses and battle disease-causing infections. 

1). Get  more than enough rest 

Sleep and immunity are closely connected.

In reality, a failure of or poor quality of sleep has been related to a higher risk of illness. 

A survey of 164 healthy people found that those who slept less than 6 hours per night were more likely to catch than those who slept 6 hours or more per height. 

Adults can reach for 7 hours of sleep a night, while teenagers need 8 hours to 10 hours and younger children and infants need up to 14 hours to sleep for increase immune.

If you are having trouble sleeping, consider minimizing your screen time for an hour before bedtime, as the blue light produced by your phone, TV and computer will interfere with your body's normal wake-sleep period, or your circadian rhythm.

Sleeping in as totally dark room or wearing a sleep mask, going to bed at the same time every night, and exercising regularly are all good sleep hygiene tips. 


Lack of sleep will increase the chances of being ill. the average adult can sleep for at least 7 hours a night. 

2). Improve your health including whole fruits and vegetables:

Fruits, grains, nuts, beans and legumes are high in nutrients and antioxidants, which can offer you an advantage over harmful pathogens. 

High cholesterol has been related to a verity of health problems including heart disease, Alzheimer's dieses and certain cancers.    

Additionally, fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients including vitamin C, which can help to shorten the length of cold. 


Antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C are all found in whole plant foods, they can help to reduce your susceptibility to illness. 

3). Increase the amount of healthy foods: 

By decreasing stress, healthy foods like those found in olive and salmon can help your body's immune response to pathogens. 

Olive oil's generally pro properties have been related to lower risk of chronic diseases.

Anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in salmon and chia seeds, are also present. 


Anti- inflammatory foods include olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids. These fats can naturally fight illness because chronic inflammation suppresses your immune system.

4). Take a probiotic supplements or eat more fermented foods: 

Probiotic bacteria, which inhabit your digestive tract, are abundant in fermented foods.

These foods include yoghurt, sauerkraut, kimchi and natto.   

When 126 children were given only 2.4 ounces of fermented milk daily for three months, they had about 20% less childhood infections diseases than a control group. 

Those who supplemented with probiotic Bifidobacterium animals had a better immune response and lower levels of the virus in their nasal mucus than a control group in 28 days study of 152 people infected with rhinovirus. 


Gut health and immunity are intimately connected. fermented foods and probiotics can help your immune system recognize and target harmful pathogens, which can strengthen your defenses. 

5). Sugar additions should be kept to a minimum:

According to a new research, added sugars and refined carbohydrates can play a disproportionate role in obesity and overweight.    
Sugar restriction can lower inflammation and aid weight loss, lowering risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. 

Limiting added sugars is a vital part of an immune-boosting diet because obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease can all weaken the immune system.
Sugar consumption should be kept to loss than 5% of total calories consumed per day. for anyone on a 2000-calorie diet, this is around 2 teaspoons of sugar.


Obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart daises are all linked to added sugars, which can all weaken the immune system. sugar consumption should be reduced to reduce inflammation and the risk  of these conditions. 

6). Moderate workout is recommended:

While intense exercise for long periods of time can weaken your immune system, moderate exercise can strengthen it. 

Fast walking, continuous bicycling, jogging, swimming and light hiking are all examples of moderate exercise.
Most people should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week.  


Moderate exercise can aid in the reduction of inflammation and the promotion of a healthy immune cell turnover.

walking, jogging biking, swimming and hiking are all excellent choices. 

7).Keep yourself Hydrated:

While hydration does not always protect you from germs and viruses, it is vital to avoid dehydration for your overall health. 

Dehydration can cause headaches and impair your physical ability, concentration, mood, digestion and heart and kidney function, among other thing. You may be more vulnerable to illness as a result these problems.

Though both tea and juice are hydrating, due to their sugar content, fruit, juice and sweetened tea should be consumed in moderation.


Hydrated every day to avoid dehydration, which can make you more sensitive to illness. 

8). Take control of Stress Levels:

Stress and depression relief are important for immune health. 

Inflammation and immune cell function imbalances are caused by long-term stress. 

children's immune responses can be suppressed by exercise psychological stress.


Meditation, yoga, exercise and other stress reduction techniques may aid in the proper functioning of the immune system.    



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